A diligently curated publication of the latest on packaging industry trends, news, and corona treatment. Written by experts.
Our extensive inventory of ceramic electrodes includes a wide range of shapes and configurations.
Our customers can trust us to provide guaranteed performance and quality. Our products are optimized to allow the highest power output and dyne levels while lowering maintenance costs, making them an ideal solution for corona treaters of all kinds.
At QC Electronics, we understand the importance of having the right equipment to keep your production line running smoothly. That’s why we offer a wide range of ceramic electrode shapes, including round, square, and rectangular electrodes, available in any length you need. We can retrofit any ceramic electrode configuration for any corona treater, ensuring that our customers have access to the right electrode for their specific application.
We supply ceramic electrodes for any corona treater brand. Our electrode replacements are designed to be highly effective, and we even offer our customers the option of upgrading to our DT+ electrodes for even better performance.
In addition to supplying new electrodes, we also offer electrode reconditioning services. If your electrodes are burned or dirty, don’t throw them away. Send them to QC Electronics and we’ll recondition them to their brand-new state, saving you a fraction of the cost of buying new ceramic electrodes.
When you choose QC Electronics, you can be confident that you’re getting high-quality ceramic electrodes that are built to last. With our extensive inventory and quick turnaround time of just 3 days, you can have your production line back up and running in no time. Contact us today at +1-608-742-1661 or to begin your consultation and find the right ceramic electrode solution for your corona treater.
Consider a QC corona treater. Our corona treaters pay for themselves with the cost savings in maintenance and parts. Our unique design withstands the rigors of continuous operation while saving companies thousands in consumables.
get a quoteQC supplies the corona treatment industry with any corona treater part. Our extensive manufacturing capabilities allows QC to provide part retrofits, mounting brackets, shrouding and more. See the list below for a complete list of the parts and services QC offers.
Contact us today at +1-608-742-1661 or to begin your consultation.
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